October 1 – November 29, 2011
The Lowell Center, 610 Langdon Street, Madison WI 53703
Reception: Saturday, October 22, 1:00 – 4:00 PM at the Lowell Center

About the Exhibit
My wife and I were born in Wisconsin and graduated from the UW-Madison, but graduate school and jobs took us to Portland, Oregon. When I retired, those Midwest roots that had languished for twenty-five years regained their strength and eventually drew us back to Wisconsin. Although we visited Wisconsin almost every year during our time in Portland, moving back really opened my eyes. Favorite old haunts grabbed my attention as if I had never seen them before. Places that I had ignored in the past no longer went unnoticed. And a quarter century of change provided a new list of places to see and things to explore.
No, Wisconsin doesn’t have 14,000-foot mountain peaks and the pounding ocean surf, but it has undulating hills covered with an amazing variety of trees, soft fields punctuated by barns, and more lakes than I could ever photograph in a lifetime. Even though time and bifocals have dulled my vision a bit, they have also brought many things into focus.
All of the photos in this exhibit were taken since I moved back to Madison in 2007. They are not meant to provide an overview of the state; there are still too many places I have yet to see. The images simply show the things – old, new, rural, and urban – that have passed in front of my lens and brought a smile to my face.
View 8 of the 26 photos from this exhibit in Solo Show.