After years of posting photos on an old-fashioned web site, I finally decided to move to an updated site with a blog . This is definitely an “old-dog-new-tricks” situation for me, so I hope you’ll bear with me. My plan is to show and comment on some of my photos, where and why I took them, etc. I suspect that I’ll comment on other things in the world of photography as well. If you prefer more pictures and fewer words, I’ve installed some galleries showing collections of my photographs. The current galleries are of specific locations like New Orleans and Yosemite National Park. As I add more galleries the categories will probably broaden. Since galleries take some time to create, I’ll post a half-dozen or so random photographs on the home page every week or two — new ones, old ones, whatever comes to mind at the time.
In the meantime, check out the photo below. I took it during a mid-May snowstorm on Mount Hood while staying at Timberline Lodge. It’s quite a hot day today, so imagine going for a swim. Maybe this will help cool you off.
Hmmm … now how do I post this?