As many people know, I grew up on a hog farm in America’s Dairyland. Some say that explains my view on life. I’m not sure what that means but I must admit that when I’m driving around I am attracted to farms, especially old barns. Unfortunately, it get’s more difficult every day to find the old buildings. Small family farms are going out of business and are being replaced by larger, more modern operations. So, most of the farms that I see now fall into that category. To be fair, newer farms can still be interesting to look at and photograph. Yesterday I was driving out near Black Earth when I spotted this farm just off of Highway 14. The blue silos against the green hills and the cattle crossing sign added just the right amount of interest so I stopped to enjoy the view and take a few photos. Further down the road I stopped to talk to the cows. They were not at all mooved by my words of wisdom. Maybe some day I’ll visit a hog farm; they understand me better.