I’ve been having a difficult time lately keeping up with all of the new holidays. Friday was National Doughnut Day and I didn’t realize it until I heard about it on the news at 10 PM. It’s rather embarrassing to admit that I went the entire day without eating a doughnut! But, I got up early Saturday because I was ready for National Learn to Row Day. The Mendota Rowing Club opened up their facilities in James Madison Park where they taught interested parties the basic rowing stroke on indoor rowing equipment. Then they took them out on Lake Mendota for a short rowing session in an 8-person shell. I, of course, went to watch and photograph.

It was quite overcast in the morning. I was convinced it was going to rain. That didn’t delay the event. By the time I arrived some of the first groups of new rowers were being shepherded into the long, skinny 8-person shells in preparation for their maiden voyage. When the rowers got into the shells, they all had to take off their shoes. I didn’t realize it, but there are shoes built into the boats. You should be able to see them in photo #8.
As the morning progressed, the weather improved. Since participants signed up online for specific time slots, there was a slow, steady stream of arriving rowers that members of the Mendota Rowing Club were able to efficiently manage. This was a very well-organized event.
When the boats left the dock they had to “back out,” which means that the rowers were facing forward and the coxswain was facing backward. That looked a bit odd, but when they were further out they changed direction so that the 8 rowers had their backs to the direction of movement and the coxswain faced the bow.
It was quite an interesting holiday!