Center of attention

I suspect that all photographers have places that they return to over and over again to get “just a few more shots.”  For someone who primarily likes to photograph flowers, trees, landscapes, lakes, ice, snow and many other subjects that fall into the category of nature photography, I find that when I’m wandering up State Street I’m somehow drawn back to the Overture Center for the Arts.

Overture Center Shadows
Overture Center Shadows (August 26, 2010)

Don’t get me wrong, it is a very nice place and well-worth a visit to see a play, attend a concert, or just wander around.  But, I don’t remember ever saying to myself that this is an intriguing place and I must come back again to take more pictures.  Yet somehow I find myself there, camera in hand, looking at how the light streams into the rotunda or noticing the shape of the stairwell as I move from floor to floor.  I think that I’ve taken more than enough pictures there over the past four years but I guess that I shouldn’t be surprised the next time I find myself there for no reason other than to look around and photograph.

If I thought about it I could probably come up with quite a few places that I return to on a regular basis without planning it.  In fact, many of my favorite photographs are taken on unplanned occasions.  Maybe I should think less and photograph more.

Check out more Overture Center images below.

(Click on any photo to enlarge, then use arrows to scroll through the images.)

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