It’s been in the news so much recently that it is certainly no longer news, but the weather has been unbelievable here lately! It’s about 80°F (27°C) here today and the high temperatures for the past 4 days have been 77°, 81°, 79°, and 79°F. The forecast highs for the next 4 days are 76°, 80°, 74°, and 67°F. In case you’re not from around here, I should point out that the average high temperature for today is 46°F (8°C).
All of this warm weather has not only melted the snow and thawed the lakes, but it has tempted the flowers to come out early. Our magnolia tree is in bloom already. Last year it didn’t bloom until April 24, a full 37 days later than this year. Hoping that it might not freeze in the near future, we filled the bird bath for the first time this spring. The birds are happy about that. The cardinals are whistling like crazy.
Since it’s too nice to sit by the computer very long I’ll just post a few pictures that I took today and wish you all a happy spring, which, I’m told, officially arrives on March 20 at 1:14 am EDT.