I know, I know. This time of year I’m in the habit of posting quite a few “pretty” snow pictures. If you live around here, you’ve probably already seen more snow than you care to see. But, when I wake up and see this view out of my bedroom window, I just can’t help heading out to take more.

In order to differ a little from the previous post, while wandering around this morning I looked for subjects other than snow-covered trees or frozen lakes. Maybe you’ll find some of them interesting. So, if you’re curious to see more, please check out the seven new images below.
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I thought that I had risen at an early hour, but this photo five feet from the front door
made me realize that I had already missed my chance of catching that worm.

One of the neighbors seems to be rather optimistic!

While slogging down an unplowed sidewalk, a snow plow drove by on the street.
It’s mission was to clear out the curb lane.
A secondary mission was to fling snow at pedestrians.

Even though the walks were not shoveled, the city apparently had crews out clearing the sewers.

The neighborhood fire hydrants took on a very patriotic appearance.

Winter? Summer? The season doesn’t matter. This friendly old neighborhood dog loves to greet passers-by.

Wipers up: The universal sign for “That’s it. I’ve had enough!”