In my previous post, Photography is for the birds, I give the impression that I never make much of an attempt to photograph birds. To be fair to my photo subjects and myself, I should point out that although I would never classify myself as a bird photographer, I do try to capture their images whenever the opportunity presents itself. In fact, if you’ve followed this blog for a while you may have read some of the following posts, most of which are about our neighborhood Sandhill Cranes: The crane wife and family, Crane update, Crane update 2, Sand County sights, Talking turkey, Crane redux, Two days old, Wood ducks and new toys, and Great Horned Owl.
So, let me add one more set of bird photos to the list. Although you certainly could find these birds in Florida, these photos were taken last week on Washington Island, Wisconsin. I guess the Pelicans were just vacationing in the cool Midwest. They flew in, spotted a dead fish, and decided to dine. After a number of unsuccessful attempts they gave up and flew off. There’s more than one fish in the lake.