We’ve had quite a few days this spring that felt like winter, but last Friday felt like summer. The sun was smiling through the azure skies and temperatures reached 84. It was a perfect day to be outdoors, so a walk in a garden seemed like a good idea. After a long, dreary winter, gardens are like a miracle unfolding before your very eyes.

One of our favorite gardens in Madison is the Allen Centennial Garden, which is located on the University of Wisconsin campus. An open mic night was scheduled for last Friday evening so we decided to visit the garden to enjoy the combination of music and flowers.

With final exams on the horizon, student musicians, poets, and storytellers were invited to take a break from their studies and perform in the garden. When we arrived we were immediately impressed by the flowers. I was taking pictures before we even got to the gate. Flowers floating in birdbath-like bowls added a nice touch to the steps leading to the lawn. Wood fires were burning in small grills. Marshmallows and metal roasting sticks on a nearby table made it obvious what the fires were for.

We didn’t hear any poets or story tellers, but many young musicians, mostly guitarists, had fun performing a song or two for their friends who were relaxing on blankets on the lawn. As you might imagine, our presence in the garden created a significant increase in the average age. I’m not sure if anyone else over 30 was present. But that’s OK. My mind thinks that I’m still young (but my body disagrees).
Many more flowery images from this event are shared below.
Christine Tyler
27 Jun 2016Mike -thanks for keeping me abreast of all the wonderful stuff going on in Madison and area (which I missed). The Rotary Garden and Break. on the Farm look like great ideas. I am picking off Japanese beetle invaders by the dozens on raspberries and now other garden plants. Hi to Kathy…her gift of joe pye weed and cardinal flower
is about to bloom! CT
30 Jun 2016Thanks! There’s so much going on I can hardly keep up with this website! It’s always good to know someone is reading it. Kathy’s been working hard in her lush nature yard and told me to say hello. Be sure to stop in if you’re in the neighborhood.