It sure beats oatmeal


Fields were filled with cars. Tractors were pulling wagon loads of people. This was not an ordinary day on the farm. In fact, it was the annual Dane County Breakfast on the Farm. This year it was held on the Hi-Way Holstein Ranch in Blue Mounds.

When Kathy and I arrived at about 8:30 the road was packed with cars, all slowing down to turn into the parking lot, well, field actually.  Fortunately, the police and scores of volunteers had things under control and we soon found ourselves exiting our car out in somebody’s back 40.  A tractor pulled up with a wagon and people hopped on for a ride through the field back to the road.  There we were all dropped off to wait for school buses to take us to the breakfast.  We decided to join many others and walk down the road instead.  I don’t think it was much more than a half mile or so.

We bought our tickets and got into one of the food lines.  Despite the crowds, we soon had our plates full of pancakes and syrup, scrambled eggs, sausages, yogurt and milk (I took chocolate!) and headed in to look for two empty places by one of the many tables.  There we settled down with people of all ages to share this experience.  Now, I have to be honest, the food was not extraordinary, but it was good, and, we didn’t go there expecting a fancy restaurant meal.  We went there to share a meal and show our appreciation for our farmers.

An event like this, of course, was not just about eating breakfast.  There were opportunities to see cows — large, small, and mascot — and to listen to music by the Soggy Prairie Boys.  We enjoyed listening and watching the kids jump around and have fun.  After the music, local celebrity, Pam Jahnke, the Fabulous Farm Babe, took to the stage and introduced the new Alice in Dairyland.  Then we wandered back to the parking field, found our car, and headed back to town.  It was a nice morning for farmers and city folks alike.

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