Snow Days
Snow in Owen Conservation Park

Snow Days

If you grew up in a place where white Christmases and snowmen were a part of winter, you might recall that a forecast for snow always triggered that secret childhood wish -- a snow day.  Or, should I say, A…

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The LAST one!
The final snow fall of the year

The LAST one!

This is it, absolutely the last, final, ain't-gonna-be-no-more snowy post of the year. I swear. If I'm wrong, you can swear, too!  

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They were right!
Snow in the backyard

They were right!

If you're old enough to remember the old days, you might recall a time when we knew a snow storm was coming because Aunt Nelly's arthritic right knee was giving her pain or Uncle Harry's old war wound was acting…

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On the island – The final chapter
Overnight snow on Washington Island

On the island – The final chapter

Before turning in, we could see a frenzy of snow flakes flitting through the lone light in the parking lot. The weatherman was right! By morning there was a foot or more of snow on the ground and on our…

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On the island – Part 1
Ice on Detroit Harbor

On the island – Part 1

There aren't many places to stay on Washington Island in the winter.  Fortunately, Findlay's Holiday Inn is open all year.  Better yet, in the winter their restaurant is open for breakfast and dinner on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  So, we…

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Ice and snow: Heading north
Ice in Sister Bay

Ice and snow: Heading north

We had some really cold weather in early January.  Nighttime lows were well below zero and daytime highs only reached single digits.  So, what to do?  Go north! Every summer my wife and I vacation with family and friends on…

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Almost Winter 2017
Late autumn in Owen Conservation Park

Almost Winter 2017

Eight days until Winter.  In Beatles time that's exactly one week.  Our very mild autumn weather has finally decided to dress for the season.  So, I donned some extra layers yesterday afternoon and went for a walk in Owen Conservation…

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Summer sun, winter ice
Walking on the ice on Lake Mendota

Summer sun, winter ice

When the calendar says February and the thermometer says 62 degrees F, there must be something wrong. Just an unusual weather pattern? Global warming? Who knows, but it's a Saturday and not much would be capable of keeping people indoors…

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