A man, a plan… (Final)
Agua Clara Locks in Panama

A man, a plan… (Final)

Nothing official was scheduled the next morning at the Melia Panama Hotel in Colon. Some of us walked around the grounds with one of our guides to look at flora and fauna that we never see in the Midwest.  Others…

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A man, a plan… (Part 4)
In the Panama Canal

A man, a plan… (Part 4)

We awoke at 5 AM.  The night's full moon had not quite set and the previous day's high temperature of 91° F had plunged to an overnight low of 79° F.  Our suitcases were ready for the bus at 5:30. …

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A man, a plan… (Part 3)
A ship in the Miraflores Locks

A man, a plan… (Part 3)

Dams and locks have been used for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years.  The dams change a waterway into a series of steps with the necessary depth for the passage of vessels.  The locks provide controlled passage through or around the…

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A man, a plan… (Part 2)
View from Panama Canal Administration Building

A man, a plan… (Part 2)

The second day of the tour began with another bus ride to several historic sites.  The first stop was at the Panama Canal Administration Building where we viewed a rotunda filled with paintings documenting canal construction.  Behind the building we…

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A man, a plan… (Part 1)
Panama City, Panama

A man, a plan… (Part 1)

In 1513, Vasco Núñez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama to become the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.  I didn't want to walk through fifty miles of jungle, so my wife and I took a boat through…

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North of the Tension Line
Welcome to Washington Island!

North of the Tension Line

Welcome to Washington Island! There's a place that I visit every year.  It's up north -- North of the Tension Line in fact!  Earlier this year, while I was pondering what subject to develop for my latest photography exhibit, it…

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A bird in the lens
Osprey in Everglades National Park

A bird in the lens

I'm not a birder. My wife is. We've each chosen a hobby that relies on lenses. My wife can spot the subtle details that differentiate similar species of birds. I'm lucky to distinguish a turkey from a towhee so I…

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A small town in Germany
Beer garden in Eichstatt Germany

A small town in Germany

I've written previously about some aspects of last year's trip to Germany, such as the Berlin Wall, a fashion show in Berlin, and the BMW factory in Munich. But I have not yet covered one of the real pleasures of…

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On the island – The final chapter
Overnight snow on Washington Island

On the island – The final chapter

Before turning in, we could see a frenzy of snow flakes flitting through the lone light in the parking lot. The weatherman was right! By morning there was a foot or more of snow on the ground and on our…

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