Winter shadows
Shadows of an oak on the snow

Winter shadows

I went for a walk in Owen Conservation Park on Groundhog Day. It was sunny out and the sky was deep blue.  It had been quite a wimpy winter so the ground was bare and the trees in the oak…

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On the island – The final chapter
Overnight snow on Washington Island

On the island – The final chapter

Before turning in, we could see a frenzy of snow flakes flitting through the lone light in the parking lot. The weatherman was right! By morning there was a foot or more of snow on the ground and on our…

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On the island – Part 2
Ice on the shore of Washington Island

On the island – Part 2

The topic of conversation in the restaurant on Sunday morning was the weather, not the current sunny-blue-sky weather, but the forecast.  A storm would be moving in Sunday night that could bring up to 13" of snow before moving out…

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Almost Winter 2017
Late autumn in Owen Conservation Park

Almost Winter 2017

Eight days until Winter.  In Beatles time that's exactly one week.  Our very mild autumn weather has finally decided to dress for the season.  So, I donned some extra layers yesterday afternoon and went for a walk in Owen Conservation…

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Spring is blossoming
Apple blossoms from the screened-in porch

Spring is blossoming

Apple Blossoms It's difficult to pass up flowers, especially in the spring!  I hope you'll pardon me for taking a break from my series of posts about Death Valley. Yesterday was May Day.  The forecast was for rain but the…

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Flora on the floor

Flora on the floor

We've had a very mild winter with very little snow. So, with one week until spring, Mother Nature and Old Man Winter conspired to dump snow on us. Fortunately, it was nothing compared to what the Northeast got, but it…

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Summer sun, winter ice
Walking on the ice on Lake Mendota

Summer sun, winter ice

When the calendar says February and the thermometer says 62 degrees F, there must be something wrong. Just an unusual weather pattern? Global warming? Who knows, but it's a Saturday and not much would be capable of keeping people indoors…

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First snow
Pink Flamingo in the snow

First snow

The weather in November was strange.  I'm sure some people loved it -- 60s and 70s -- too warm for the furnace and too cool for the AC.  But, when would we get that first snow?  The answer: today!  Just…

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