The ice man cometh
Installing ice "bar" at Hollander's

The ice man cometh

A wind blew in from the southeast Friday bringing ice to Madison!  The creative folks from Art Below Zero -- which, by the way, is located in Franksville, Wisconsin -- were at Hilldale Mall installing an Ice Bar at Cafe…

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Winter solstice
The sun sets on the shortest day of the year

Winter solstice

The winter solstice, that magical shortest day of the year when the sun resets its clock and starts to bring us longer and warmer days.  For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, that comes on the 21st of…

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My ice
Icy tree by Lake Mendota

My ice

When I'm pondering a subject for a blog post, I sometimes review relevant quotations hoping to find one that will inspire me.  They're usually by famous authors or poets like William Shakespeare or Robert Frost.  I found an interesting one…

Not more snow pics!
Snow in the backyard

Not more snow pics!

I know, I know.  This time of year I'm in the habit of posting quite a few "pretty" snow pictures.  If you live around here, you've probably already seen more snow than you care to see. But, when I wake…

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Snow Days
Snow in Owen Conservation Park

Snow Days

If you grew up in a place where white Christmases and snowmen were a part of winter, you might recall that a forecast for snow always triggered that secret childhood wish -- a snow day.  Or, should I say, A…

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Olbrich Gardens
Olbrich Gardens

Olbrich Gardens

If you live in Madison, Wisconsin, you probably know about Olbrich Botanical Gardens.  In fact, if you live in Madison, Wisconsin, you've probably visited Olbrich Botanical Gardens.  A stroll through this wonderful place is an excellent way to quiet your…

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The LAST one!
The final snow fall of the year

The LAST one!

This is it, absolutely the last, final, ain't-gonna-be-no-more snowy post of the year. I swear. If I'm wrong, you can swear, too!  

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They were right!
Snow in the backyard

They were right!

If you're old enough to remember the old days, you might recall a time when we knew a snow storm was coming because Aunt Nelly's arthritic right knee was giving her pain or Uncle Harry's old war wound was acting…

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Let’s pretend it’s spring!
An Iris after the rain

Let’s pretend it’s spring!

It's April 2 and yet, I received this in my email this morning! Are you craving your crocuses, impatiently awaiting your impatience, or disturbed with the dearth of daffodils?  If so, you just might be getting tired of waiting for…

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