Almost Winter 2017
Late autumn in Owen Conservation Park

Almost Winter 2017

Eight days until Winter.  In Beatles time that's exactly one week.  Our very mild autumn weather has finally decided to dress for the season.  So, I donned some extra layers yesterday afternoon and went for a walk in Owen Conservation…

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More monarchs
Monarch butterfly in Dudgeon Monroe Prairie

More monarchs

In September 2016 I wrote about attending an event sponsored by the Madison Audubon Society at Goose Pond Sanctuary where people were invited to help tag monarch butterflies to study their migration.  This September I had another encounter with monarchs at…

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Totally Carbondale
Total solar eclipse in Carbondale, Ilinois

Totally Carbondale

My desire to see the solar eclipse had nothing to do with my interest in photography.  I will admit, however, that the prospect of photographing such a rare event certainly enhanced my desire to see it.  The closest place to…

The Golden Circle
Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland

The Golden Circle

You don't travel all the way to Iceland just to hang out in Reykjavik, so the next day we went to see some of the famous landscape.  There must be hundreds of one-day tours out of Reykjavik and scores of…

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Death Valley:  On foot
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes in Death Valley National Park

Death Valley: On foot

Death Valley is a big park. In fact, outside of Alaska it's our largest national park, checking in at 5,219 square miles. By comparison, Yellowstone is only 3,471 square miles. Unlike some parks that provide shuttle buses, you're on your…

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Death Valley: From the bottom up
Badwater Basin in Death Valley National Park

Death Valley: From the bottom up

The lowest spot in North America is located in Death Valley National Park. Badwater Basin, as this location is known, sits 282 feet below sea level. If you're unable to estimate 282 feet, the Park Service was kind enough to…

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Death Valley:  20 Mules & Zabriskie Point
Death Valley National Park

Death Valley: 20 Mules & Zabriskie Point

Heading out of Beatty, Nevada, State Highway 374 runs southwest towards Death Valley National Park. It runs straight as an arrow for about 9 miles where it begins to wind its way up towards Daylight Pass between the Funeral Mountains…

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Spring is blossoming
Apple blossoms from the screened-in porch

Spring is blossoming

Apple Blossoms It's difficult to pass up flowers, especially in the spring!  I hope you'll pardon me for taking a break from my series of posts about Death Valley. Yesterday was May Day.  The forecast was for rain but the…

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Flora on the floor

Flora on the floor

We've had a very mild winter with very little snow. So, with one week until spring, Mother Nature and Old Man Winter conspired to dump snow on us. Fortunately, it was nothing compared to what the Northeast got, but it…

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