Flowers in February?
It's a bit of a challenge to think about flowers this time of year when overnight lows continue to plummet below zero and daytime "breezes" create wind chills that do much more than chill. However, February is the month in…
It's a bit of a challenge to think about flowers this time of year when overnight lows continue to plummet below zero and daytime "breezes" create wind chills that do much more than chill. However, February is the month in…
I enjoy winter, I really do. But by March I'm ready for spring. After all, that's when the calendar says it's supposed to arrive. Unfortunately, March in Wisconsin is a crazy month. It can be 75 degrees and sunny one…
Watching the recent Olympics in Tokyo reminded me that when Kathy and I lived in Portland, OR, we often visited the Portland Japanese Garden. The garden covers twelve acres in Portland's Washington Park and includes eight separate garden styles, an…
Winter can be cold and dark and make you long for longer days. But it can also be a magical time of year when snowflakes dance through the air and icicles become exclamation points for the season. Recently, our landscape…
Earlier this year I was in Everglades National Park hoping to see alligators sulking in the swamps or beautifully plumed birds in flight. What did I photograph? A grasshopper. I know nothing about grasshoppers. Are they the same as locusts? …
If you live in Madison, Wisconsin, you probably know about Olbrich Botanical Gardens. In fact, if you live in Madison, Wisconsin, you've probably visited Olbrich Botanical Gardens. A stroll through this wonderful place is an excellent way to quiet your…
It's April 2 and yet, I received this in my email this morning! Are you craving your crocuses, impatiently awaiting your impatience, or disturbed with the dearth of daffodils? If so, you just might be getting tired of waiting for…
In September 2016 I wrote about attending an event sponsored by the Madison Audubon Society at Goose Pond Sanctuary where people were invited to help tag monarch butterflies to study their migration. This September I had another encounter with monarchs at…
Apple Blossoms It's difficult to pass up flowers, especially in the spring! I hope you'll pardon me for taking a break from my series of posts about Death Valley. Yesterday was May Day. The forecast was for rain but the…