Winter is/will be Here
A cold day on Lake Michigan

Winter is/will be Here

According to meteorologists, winter begins on December 1. According to astronomers, winter (the winter solstice) begins this year (2022) at 4:48 PM on December 21. So, if you're into weather forecasting, happy winter! If you're into stars and planets, winter…

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Beale Street


There's more to Memphis than Graceland, and much of it has to do with music! Beale Street Memphis hugs the east bank of the Mississippi River in the southwest corner of Tennessee. If you're a Bob Dylan fan, you probably…

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I just watched the movie "Elvis." It's a biopic, not a documentary, so I suspect some of the truth was stretched a bit, but I enjoyed it. Although I remember listening to a lot of Elvis' music, I was part…

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Jerome, Arizona


So, who, what or where is Jerome? The who part is kind of interesting. Western Mining History says "The town was named after Eugene Jerome, a wealthy financier and officer of the United Verde Copper Company. Eugene was a cousin…

National Lighthouse Day
Rock Island State Park WI

National Lighthouse Day

When I woke up this morning I thought it was Sunday, but actually, it's National Lighthouse Day! Yes, this event occurs every year on August 7. That's the day when many lighthouses will be open to the public. So, if…

A Day in the Life: Part 3
Good night from Hamel Music Center!

A Day in the Life: Part 3

(This is continued from A Day in the Life: Part 2) After a week of improving their play on individual instruments and rehearsing with bands, orchestras, jazz combos and other musical groups, the students are ready to perform in concert.…

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A Day in the Life: Part 2
Students return to Ogg

A Day in the Life: Part 2

(This is continued from A Day in the Life: Part 1) As one o'clock rolls around, the students gather up their instruments and begin to head out to their 1:20 PM classes in Music Hall, Humanites, Ogg, Hamel Music Center…

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A Day in the Life: Part 1
Summer Music Clinic

A Day in the Life: Part 1

Since 1929, the University of Wisconsin-Madison has invited young musicians -- middle school students (grades 6-8) and high school students (grades 9-12) -- to participate in its Summer Music Clinic (SMC) program. There they can enjoy all forms of music…

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Route 66: Oatman AZ
A burro in the sun -- Oatman, AZ

Route 66: Oatman AZ

Preface: I've shown images from Kingman, Arizona in the past, but since it's one of the towns named in the song "Route 66" and since it's the town from which I started my drive to Oatman, I thought I should…

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